2004 年 6 月 1 日起實(shí)施的建設部新頒布的行業(yè)標準《生 活垃圾衛生填埋技術(shù)規范》 (CJJ17-2004) 的強制性條文規定要求: “填埋場(chǎng)必須進(jìn)行防滲處理,防止對地下水和地表水的污染,同時(shí)還應防止地下水進(jìn)入填埋區” 填埋區防滲主要有天然防滲和人工防滲系統, 。 天然粘土防滲要求其滲透系數不大于 1.0*10-7cm/s。對于達不到防滲 系數要求的填埋庫區須采用鋪設高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)土工膜作為 防滲襯里。
目前,填埋場(chǎng)的防滲膜鋪設工程越來(lái)越多,由于相關(guān)的建設工程定額中還沒(méi)有對填埋場(chǎng)防滲膜鋪設有相關(guān)的規定,因此,填埋場(chǎng)的防滲膜鋪設的工程量需要有一個(gè)統一的計算口徑來(lái)進(jìn)行規范, 本文就防滲膜實(shí)際鋪設中的一些經(jīng)驗結合工程預算對防滲膜鋪設 的損耗進(jìn)行一些探討。
填埋場(chǎng)防滲膜鋪設主要應用于填埋庫區、污水調節池、污水處理 系統(如礦化垃圾處理系統)等。根據防滲的襯里系統結構可分為單層襯里、復合襯里、雙層襯里、多層襯里系統。 HDPE膜的材料消耗主要有膜塔接、管穿膜、打補丁、邊角折疊等。 更多資訊:http://m.passoforcora.com/xwdt.asp
June 1, 2004 implementation of the construction ministry promulgated the latest industry standard "standard of living garbage sanitary landfill technology" (CJJ17-2004) mandatory provisions of the regulation requirements: "landfill anti-seepage treatment, must be conducted to prevent the pollution of groundwater and surface water, at the same time should also prevent the groundwater into the landfill area" landfill area seepage control are mainly natural seepage prevention and seepage prevention system,. Natural clay seepage control requires its permeability coefficient is not more than 1.0 * 10-7 cm/s. For can not meet the seepage coefficient of the demand of landfill area laying should be used in high density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembrane as seepage prevention liner.
At present, landfill anti-seepage film laying engineering more and more, because of the country related construction project quota hasn't have relevant provisions on landfill anti-seepage film laying, therefore, ?
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